Live Music Venues

Hit the Perfect Note for Your Audience

An exceptional musical experience can change your entire business. Guests will be amazed by the sound they’ll hear when they take in a show at your music venue. Provide a deeply emotional connection between your artists and their audience through the perfect sound system that is easy to use, scalable, and dynamic. Not only will your regulars rave about performances, you’ll quickly make a name for your venue with newcomers and guests. Contact us today to set up an in-person consultation to discuss your venue’s needs and the audio products that will make all the difference.

PA System

The Core of Any Music Venue

PA, which stands for Public Address, is the primary audio reproduction system of a music venue. It is responsible for amplifying the sound that drives any musical performance. PA systems are not meant to just be loud; they are engineered for maximum dynamic range and clarity. In fact, the best sound you will likely ever hear is from a properly engineered PA system. The frequency and dynamic ranges go far beyond what any consumer grade speaker can produce. PA systems need to be carefully planned and installed to accommodate the room acoustics and the noise levels created by audience members and mechanical systems.

Audio Mixer

Mixed and Blended for Sweet Sound

An audio mixer makes an audio system incredibly versatile and is a must if your music venue is going to have live performances. The mixer is responsible for digitally adding all the signals from the stage together into a single audio stream that can be sent to the PA amplifiers. Without a mixer, you can play a stereo track or have someone talk into a microphone, but not both at the same time. A national head lining band can require up to 32 individual audio lines being ran into the mixer. When you produce live music, a mixer gives you the ability to adjust the tone quality and level of any sound. Digital mixers can adjust dynamic range, tone quality, levels and even add effects like reverb and delay into the mix.


Let them hear everything

Microphones are the gateway from the acoustic world to the electrical world. For this reason, your mic choices will have the biggest impact on sound quality of your music venue. Industry standard microphones like Shure SM58, AKGD112 and Sennheiser E604 are examples of some of the highest quality microphones available. They provide high dynamic ranges, full frequency responses and are durable enough to be dropped or hit with the occasional drum stick. They also eliminate stage feedback and background noise. Best of all, these microphone will not break the bank. A brand new SM58 will run about $100 retail. We can provide wired or wireless microphones. .

Stage Monitors

Sound for performers

Stage Monitors, Stage Wedges or better known as Foldbacks in musical theater, are a counterintuitive feature of most music venues. Their need derives from the fact that PA systems are engineered to only project sound forward toward the audience. On the stage, however, the sound is completely different. Each member of the music group needs to hear another element that they cue off of. They also need to hear themselves to stay in pitch and in time. Stage monitors give the band members a discrete "mix" delivered to them via speakers or a pair of professional quality headphones known as in-ear monitors. Each artist's mix is controlled via the audio mixer and their individual mixes are fine tuned hours before the music venue even opens.

Stage Lighting

Light it up and let them shine

Stage lighting exists to make sure the performers are visible and creates an emotional experience for the audience. Modern stage lights have the ability to change color and display images that can direct the audiences attention and mood. Stage lights can be controlled via a lighting controller or they can be controlled via sound, and their movements can match the rhythm of the music automatically.

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Live Music Venues