Waiting Rooms

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Background Music

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We can all admit, waiting rooms or less than an optimal place to be at any time. However your clients experience can be much more enjoyable with quality background music. Bluetooth speakers and small boom boxes can create distracting hotspots of sound, whereas professionally installed speakers can create an evenly distributed ambience that is sure to keep your clients happy and entertained.

Signage and TV's

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TV's and Digital signage can fulfill two purposes. One is to display promotional and educational videos. The more you can ease your clients anxiety by teaching them what your services are all about, the more receptive they will be when their name is called. Second, TV's can provide endless amounts of entertainment that is sure to help the time pass effortlessly.

Sound Masking

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Sound masking is a technology which uses speakers and noise generators to create a quiet white noise. This noise is similar to what you would hear at a beach, or a waterfall. However, this noise is much more subtle. While it may not be intuitive to consider making sound in your quiet waiting room, it's something that poeple experience more often than they realize. The sound of HVAC systems and air conditioners commonly create this sound. Busy streets and airports also have a similar sound. Noise has the effect of masking conversations, small movements and sounds that can be come distracting or even annoying. Have you ever tried to have a conversation with your friend in a quiet coffee shop, or worse a library, in these situations privacy is almost nullified, and small sounds tend to get distracting and irritating. Sound masking solves this problem. Sound masking can have the effect of giving your guests a small amount of privacy, as well as calming them.

Guest Wifi

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It is very likely that you have WIFI in your office. However, a publicly accessible WIFI can put you at risk. Guest WIFI networks, can be completely separate from your business network and they have an added layer of security that protects your sensitive network data. Guest WIFI networks can also be scheduled to turn off and on to coincide with your office hours. They can limit the websites that are available, they can also put constraints on bandwidth so that guests don't use up all your bandwidth watching movies. Another added benefit of setting up Guest WIFI is the ability to collect guest information. If you have ever been to a hotel and tried to login to their WIFI you likely were prompted with a screen asking for some information. This type of pop-up screen is known as authentication, and it can used to gather guest information such as email, address, phone number and details about them. This information can be later used for an outbound marketing campaign, gain reviews or surveys.

Paging Systems

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Paging systems are audio systems that create convenient way to announce guests as their turn in line comes up. Paging systems can be integrated into your current office phone system and background music system, they can also be automated by software. Paging systems allow you to make important announcements and educate poeple to set the right expectations, so that they can have the best experience possible.

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Waiting Rooms